From The Diary Of Donia Rosen - מיומנה של דוניה רוזן

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Type de ressource: Article court dans: English

Ans 12 - 100

Taille du groupe 1 - 100

Temps estime: 1 minutes

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From the Diary of Donia Rosen- ENG.doc (24 KB)

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A short article for Yom Ha'Shoaa

Contenu de la ressource

From the Diary of Donia Rosen, who escaped to the forest at age 12.

Donia survived, and immigrated to Israel.


“I have no words, but I must write, I must! I beg of you not to forget those who are no longer living.

You must avenge their deaths! I plead with you to erect a monument that will reach the heavens, so the entire world will see it, not a statue of marble or stone, but a tower of good deeds, for I strongly believe that only such a memorial can guarantee a better future for you and your children.”



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» All > Le calendrier juif > jeune du 10 Tevet
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